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Is Electroless Nickel ‘A’ Finish?
Simply put, not when it comes to Anoplate! Anoplate’s VP of Technology, Milt Stevenson Jr., presented a paper at the American Electroplaters’ Society SURFIN 1991 entitled “Electroless Nickel: No Longer Just ‘A’ Coating”. It wasn’t then and it isn’t today! [ A copy of that paper can be found by visiting Anoplate’s website] Non-magnetic, high phosphorus electroless nickel is required for disk drive components. Today Anoplate’s ENhanced suite of electroless nickel (EN) offers 7 variants repr…
Anodized aluminum is for the most part a robust, quality finish that is readily obtained through any number of chemical processing houses, however, a persistent issue that arises is fading of colored anodize. The fact is that there are a number of causes for this, not always related to the processing houses cutting corners, so we thought we‘d review some of them.…